Mask assembly + plenty of pics + delivery schedule information

Hey friends of Airhead,


Assembly is in full swing and there's a real buzz about the place down at Airhead HQ. We can't stop smiling! For those short on time, the first big batch of masks will be going out on the 12th July, which will test and confirm that all our shipping channels are operating swimmingly. This is known as a smoke test. The remaining units will then be sent out over the following 2-4 weeks.  A prudent, but necessary, strategy to ensure smooth delivery of over 6,300 first edition Airhead Masks.

Let's get into some juicy details.


  • The first 1,000 units of each of the injection moulded components have been approved, produced and transported to our assembly house in Devon. In a production line where every single part knows its place at any moment of the day, assembly began in earnest on Monday. All being well, the rest of the injection moulded components will be produced by 29th June for assembly to roar on.
  • Also this week, the first 2,000 filters (a 5-layer masterpiece) will be welded and cut to shape in Birmingham, before being delivered to Devon to join the ever-growing pile of Airhead Mask components. For an eye-opening reminder of what this constitutes, check this list: exhalation valves, head straps (x2), carry bags, packaging, stickers, magnetic Fidlocks, adjustment sliders, instruction manuals, 5 unique injection moulded parts, exhalation valve blockers. It's busy.
  • AirSkin development has been the fiddliest part of this epic production journey. As a reminder, the AirSkin is the changeable outer cover of the mask; a 3D knitted zero-waste textile that gives the mask its crisp outer look. In short, it has taken us longer than we expected to get to where we are. There is good news, though, as we’ve signed off the final pre-production prototypes, allowing manufacturing to commence this week. Once logos have been applied to them, the AirSkins will also be whipped off to Devon for assembly.

Airhead mask packaging and valve blocker

Delivery schedule

With the final chapter of this manufacturing journey running like Forrest G, we’re very nearly there! Your patience since the Kickstarter campaign last year has been sensational, and it’s heart-warming to step back and appreciate the collective power of the founding Airhead community. A 3,500-strong group of like-minded legends, just a few weeks away from getting hands and faces on first edition Airhead Masks.


Let’s get pragmatic now, and talk scheduling.

  • 12th July is the date that we’ll commence distribution. On this date, we’ll have circa 750 all black masks ready to ship. With these units, we’ll conduct the necessary ‘smoke tests’ to ensure our global shipping channels are all running smoothly.
  • Simultaneously, we’ll wrap up the rest of the assembly and send out the remaining 5,300 units over the following 2-4 weeks after 12th July. You’ll receive an email in the next few weeks, which will include an ETA on when you can expect your mask(s) at your door.

First thing on this, we absolutely get it that some of you will feel frustration not to be receiving your mask first. We hope you understand that we have to take a vigilant approach here, testing our shipping channels with care and caution before we send them all out.

Exciting times ahead. Thank you being such a crucial part of the journey.

Give us a shout if you have any questions. 


Speak again very soon,

Team Airhead

Airhead assembly of pollution masks

Airhead filters and packaging for pollution mask

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